The Camino Ninja App is now available for Android Phones. Camino Ninja App is free to use, free of ads, and frees you to walk your Camino, your way.
You can get the Android version of the App right now, here:
The iPhone version of the App will be out next year. If you want to receive a notification when the iPhone version is out, sign up here:
The Camino de Santiago routes— Camino Francés, Caminho Português, the Camiños a Fisterra (Finisterre) and Muxía, and the way between Fisterra and Muxía are in the App as well as Camino San Salvador and Camino Primitivo.
The Camino Ninja App has extensive and precise tracking of the routes, elevations, and accommodation locations. It is intuitive, easy to use, and simple to plan your route from place to place using stages and distances you can easily cater to match your daily needs, weather, and circumstances. I walked over 15.000 km of the Camino routes in the past 3 years, and for the last 1½ years I have been working on making an App that supports walking the Caminos the best way possible.
Early testers of the App said it was exactly what they needed for planning their way—everything is accessible from a few tabs from the dashboard and the precision of the GPS works better than other apps.
Photos of albergues, hostels, and hotels along the route give you a visual taste of the places you are going to stay and booking if you choose is seamless and easy in the App…and it’s entirely free.
New features, enhancements, and more optimized routes are also currently in progress to make the App even easier to use and more useful on your Camino.
I hope you like the App. If you have feedback or comments, my contact details are in the App or you can catch me on Facebook or Instagram.