New routes: Caminho Português da Costa – Official & Senda Litoral

New Year, new App and new routes. If you are planning your summer camino and are curious about the Portuguese ways, here are the most popular routes.

Caminho Português Central
Caminho Português da Costa (Official)
Caminho Português da Costa (Senda Litoral)

Caminho Português da Costa (Official) and Caminho Português da Costa (Senda Litoral) have just been added to the Camino Ninja App.

Caminho Português Central is also shown on the maps and starts in Lisboa (Lisbon). It is also in the App.

It has been quite a hassle getting the two coastal routes in the App. The official route is poorly documented, and so is the unofficial coastal route Senda Litoral. On top of that there is a lot of people and organizations having a influence on the routes, but very little or poorly documented official material. It makes it both more interesting, and for documenting more difficult. A big thanks to Oscar Miguel Andrade from Albergue Peregrinos do Porto and Associação dos Amigos do Caminho de Santiago de Viana do Castelo for helping with gathering information and picking the right information.

Go check it out, and Buen Camino!